CERAWARM Graphene PTC Wooden Floor Far-infrared Household 100 Watt 50 cm Wide Floor Heating Film

Thecerawarm GFR Wood Floor Far-Infrared Home Energy Efficiency Thermopress is designed to provide an efficient and long-lasting heating solution for your home. The product features a single-size heat

Carbon Natural Graphite Material For LED Lights itousen carton Graphene top quality heat dissipassion mat sheet Thermal Graphite

Carbon natural graphite (CNG) is a high-quality material that offers excellent heat dissipation and thermal performance for LED lights. It is made from the same base as other carbon-rich materials, su

NAN ME OVERHEAL Graphene x Herbal Essential Oil Pain Relief Patch winning products 2023

The Nan Me Overheal Graphene x Herbal Essential Oil Pain Relief Patch is a groundbreaking and highly effective solution for treating pain. This patch contains high-quality natural ingredients that hav

Potoelectronic material 99% 1-20um Black powder nano graphene sheet

Potoelectronic materials such as 99% black powder and 1-20umnano graphene sheets have gained significant interest in recent years due to their unique properties that make them attractive candidates fo

DEBOOM energetic graphene Improving engine performance Graphene engine oil additive for car

Graphene is a materials with unique properties that make it an ideal candidate for use in the development of advanced vehicles and other applications. One such application is the improvement of engine

Best Whole Research Grade Purity Graphene For Electro Catalyst Supercapacitor Lithium Ion Battery

Graphene is one of the most promising materials for battery electroatalents due to its unique electrical conductivity and ability to change state rapidly under various conditions. With this informatio

Excellent Hydrophobicity Professionals Graphene Nano Ceramic coating

The hydrophobicity of professionals is an important factor in the performance and durability of metal components such as金刚ne orgraphene nano ceramic coatings. These纳米 ceramics offer exceptional proper

Nitrogen Doped Graphene 10 wt% N doped Graphene Purity >99.3 % Monolayer Graphene/N

Nitrogen-doped Graphene (NδG) is a material that is composed of atoms with nitrogen added to the surface of the material. This is achieved through the addition of a tiny amount of nitrogen gas into th

hot ing high quality glaskline graphene 10h hardness automobile graphene rystal coating

High-quality Graphene is one of the most durable materials on earth. It can withstand extreme temperatures and pressures, making it ideal for use in various applications such as auto glass coatings, a

12v electric heater graphene heating fleece throw blanket graphene coating electric heat blankets graphene sheet

Graphene is a新型 material that is gaining increasing attention due to its high electrical conductivity and thermal conductivity. One such product is the graphene heating fleece throw blanket, which is

Japan Whole Graphene Carbon Quantum Dot Chemicals Material

Japan's whole graphene carbon quantum dot (wgan) chemical systems are providing exciting new possibilities for applications in fields such as materials science and medicine. These systems consist of t


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