Silver Impregnated Distillate Sweetening Activated Carbon Column 20KG for Medicine Gold Recovery

The Silver Impregnated Distillate Sweetening Activated Carbon Column 20kg is a chemical sweetener that contains silver impregnated distillate, which acts as a载体 and initiates the reaction between silv

Drinking Water Purification Activated Carbon Granular Activated Carbon

The parameter used in drinking water purification activated carbon granular activated carbon (WCAG) is the amount of activated carbon (活性炭) in the mixture that passes through the treatment step. The h

High N2 Purity CMS 220 240 260 280 Carbon Molecular Sieve for PSA Nitrogen Generators tamiz carbon molecular 1.1-1.3mm

The HPD technology used in the High-N2 Purity CMS 220, 240, 260, and 280 carbon molecular sieves is commonly known as "taminco." It uses a type of hydroxide (ter apiKeyde) to create bubbles that trap

Active carbon Coconut Shell charcoal Activated Carbon For Water Treatment

The active carbon coconut shell charcoal activated carbon (ACCC) is an effective and sustainable alternative to traditional chemical flocculants in water treatment. It has several key features that ma

powder activated carbon for waste incineration for decolorization and adsorption chemical industry

1. Power: The power required to operate the powder activated carbon facility depends on the type of powder and its concentration in the fuel. Typically, larger powders require more energy to operate t

Industrial activated carbon waste gas treatment columnar activated carbon particles

The parameter of industrial activated carbon waste gas treatment columnar activated carbon particles is:

Low Ash Extruded Bulk Pellet Columnar Activated Carbon for Air / Water Purification Water Treatment Activated Carbon

The Low Ash Extruded Bulk Pellet Columnar Activated Carbon (LECA) is an activated carbon columnar material that is used in water and air purification systems to effectively remove the large amount of

powder carbon black tyre pyrolysis n330 n550

The powder carbon black tirepyrolysis process is designed to modify the surface of rubber, which is typically made from橡胶 raw materials like wood pulp or oilseeds. This modification can help improve t

High quality dalian carbon active activated carbon manufacturing plant

1. production capacity: The capacity of the high-quality Dalian Carbon Activeactivated Carbon manufacturing plant depends on various factors such as raw material selection, production processes, and t

Jacobi Coconut Shell Granulated Activated Carbon for Gold Extraction and Gold Processing

The Jacobi Coconut Shell Granulated Activated Carbon (GAC) is a type of activated carbon commonly used in the extraction of gold from various materials such as metals, ores, and other minerals. The GA

cms200 220 240 260 280 carbon molecular sieve adsorbent for nitrogen production up to 99.999% N2 purity

CMS200, CMS220, CMS240, and CMS260 all use carbon molecular sievers (CMS) as an adsorbent for nitrogen production in various industrial processes. Here is a breakdown of the specific parameters used b

Water Treatment Activated Charcoal Wood Coal Coconut Shell Based Pellet Columunar Cylinder Powder Granular Activated Carbon

The parameter you've provided seems to be describing a powder material that contains activated carbon and wood chips. The specific parameters mentioned include:


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